We're all more than muscle
Isopure is for weight trainers, runners, rock climbers, mothers, fathers, busy professionals They aim for the highest standards. Protein that is pure. Simple ingredients you know and trust. Beyond quality. Beyond muscle building. Isopure is mind and drive.
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Not your typical milkshake-like protein powder. It is a refreshingly light fruit flavored experience that delivers the protein you want without all the unnecessary ingredients you don’t.
We are no strangers to working with fitness nutrition brands, so when Isopure contacted us we were ready to flex. Their messaging focuses on active people in active hobbies and lifestyles, instead of strictly gym-goers or bodybuilders. This campaign in particular would feature Anastasia Ashley, a surfer from San Clemente; Angela Liguori, a hiker and outdoorswoman from the Pacific Northwest; Jedidiah Ballard, a doctor, fitness model, and former Army Ranger from Montana; and Gregory Chop, an MMA fighter from Saint-Denis, France. All talent was to be filmed on location doing their respective activities.
Jedidiah was filmed doing calisthenics on Chicago’s North Avenue Beach. The shots feature him sprinting at full speed along the breakwall; one of which was filmed by Charlie using a gimbal on a OneWheel, producing a perfectly stable tracking shot at high speed. Anastasia was filmed surfing in San Clemente, where underwater housing in the surf plus telephoto lenses from the shore were used to capture her catching the waves. We met Angela in the Cascades, where we hiked with her over trails and backwoods terrain, using small gimbals and DSLRs to get to some hard-to-reach locations. The vistas captured were truly stunning and offered a perfect backdrop to Isopure’s product, which was meant to be used on-the-go daily just as much as after a workout. Finally, Gregory was filmed at his MMA training gym in Miami.
The deliverables for this project were one 30-second video, three 15-second videos, and three 6-second videos. The campaign ran on all major social media platforms.